Summer Shorts:
Webster’s Bitch
by Jacqueline Bircher
Go Get ‘em, Tiger
by Steve Yockey
City Theatre, 2022
Airborne: Lindberg’s Flight and The Airborne Symphony
by Bertolt Brecht, Kurt Weill, and Marc Blitzstein
Orchestra Miami, 2022
by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
Florida International University, 2021
Sonnets for an Old Century
(streaming production)
by Jose Rivera
Florida International University, 2021
(streaming production)
created with Brandon Urrutia
GableStage, 2020
As the Globe Warms
One woman.... One hundred characters.... One million species....One Planet. Listen to the podcast at BandCamp or iTunes.
Measure for Measure
by William Shakespeare
Florida International University, 2020
by Rudi Goblen
Summer Shorts:
Franklin Pierce: Dragon Slayer
by Preston Max Allen and Wlll Buck
Frozen Foods
by Ian August
City Theatre, 2019
Trouble in Tahiti
by Leonard Bernstein
Orchestra Miami/Magic City Opera, 2019
She Stoops to Comedy
by David Greenspan
Florida International University, 2018
by Rudi Goblen
305 One Festival, 2018
Miami Light Project, 2016
YoungArts, 2016
Broward College, 2015
Miami Light Project, 2013
Summer Shorts:
by Scott Gibson
by Bekah Brunstetter
City Theatre, 2018
Ubu Rex
by Alfred Jarry, translated by David Copelin
KCACTF Region 4 Festival, 2018
Florida International University, 2017
The Spider
adapted from Паякът by Йордан Славейков и Димитър Касабов
Alternative Theater Festival/FIU, 2017
A Stitch in Time
by Susan Westfall
The Jewish Museum of Florida
All My Sons
by Arthur Miller
Florida International University, 2017
Ringing True
by Rebecca Fletcher
Kol Ami (streaming), 2021
Willow Theater (Boca Raton), 2017
Miami Theater Center, 2016
dancetheater by Lazaro Godoy
Miami Theater Center, 2016
Choreographing a Rape Scene to Go into a Feminist Play
by Ann Gillespie
Alternative Theatre Festival/FIU, 2016
opera by Hans Krása
Orchestra Miami, 2016
Kingdom City
by Sheri Wilner
Florida International University, 2015
Exile Jesus Starbucks
by Michael Yawney
Miami Light Project: Here & Now, 2015
Noye's Fludde
by Benjamin Britten
Orchestra Miami, 2015
Juanita's Statue
by Anne Garcia-Romero
Florida International University, 2014
A sunny world of emotional darkness.
Catherine's Wheel
by Juan C. Sanchez
Alternative Theater Festival/FIU, 2014
by Stephen Greenblatt and Charles Mee
Florida International University, 2013
A Thousand Years
by Kenny Finkle
Alternative Theater Festival/FIU, 2013
This play was full of impossible scenes. Characters fell off mountains, were pursued by tsunamis, and blasted off into outer space--all in the service of a story about the enduring power of love. Four actors and five chairs made the impossible possible.
photo: Amanda Sparhawk
The Liar
by Pierre Corneille (adapted by David Ives)
Florida International University, 2013
Amahl and the Night Visitors
by Gian Carlo Menotti
Orchestra Miami, 2012
An American Soldier's Tale
by Kurt Vonnegut and Igor Stravinsky
Orchestra Miami, 2012
As the Globe Warms
by Heather Woodbury
Vortex Theater, Austin, TX, 2012
Disney Concert Hall/REDCAT, L.A., CA, 2012
Alternative Theater Festival/FIU, 2012
Twelve-hour long serial solo performance
The House of the Spirits
by Caridad Svich (from the novel by Isabel Allende)
KCACTF Region 4 Festival, 2013
Florida International University, 2012
KCACTF, Distinguished Production
KCACTF, Distinguished Direction
Something Something Uber Alles
by Assurbanipal Babilla
Iranian Theater Festival/New York, 2011
Anti-Theater/Miami, 2010
The Ruby Sunrise
by Rinne Groff
Florida International University, 2011
Blithe Spirit
by Noel Coward
Florida International University, 2009
The Birds
adapted from Aristophanes by Len Jenkin
Florida International University, 2009
What Does Your Hair Mean?
created by the ensemble
Florida International University, 2008
The Laramie Project
by Moises Kaufman
Nova Southeastern University, 2007
Three Angels Dancing on a Needle
by Assurbanipal Babilla
The Brick/New York, 2007
Square Peg Productions/Miami, 2006
Production won an unprecedented four “Best of Miami” awards from Miami New Times, including Best Theatrical Production of 2007. On tour, the production won a Best Foreign Language Production award at the Brick Theater’s Pretentious Festival.
by Lynn Nottage
Public Theatre of South Florida, 2006
Widows Walk
by Christopher Renstrom
On the Boards, 2003
Julius Caesar
On the Boards, 2003
The Merry Wives of Windsor
Hollywood Shakespeare Festival, 2003
The Way of the World
by William Congreve
On the Boards, 2003
Julius Caesar
Hollywood Shakespeare Festival, 2002
Tango Fusion
Stepping Out Productions, 2000
Reviewed by the New York Times as the “happiest celebration of [tango] to arrive in this city [New York] in a long time”
The Disabilities Project
(Assistant Director)
The Other Theater, 2000
Assisted Joseph Chaikin and composer Liz Swados in creating an original work on the lives of disabled performers.
Killa Vanilla
by Brian Woodbury
BMI Musical Theater Workshop, 2000
The Duchess of Malfi
by John Webster
Columbia University, 1999
by Tara Knell
Columbia University, 1998
by Anne Moore
Pittsburgh Performance Art Festival, 1996
The Husband of My Mother
by John Steinkamp
Indiana University, 1995
by Christopher Renstrom
Ensemble Studio Theater, 1995
Lesbian Cheek
by Honor Kane
T.W.E.E.D./Vineyard Theater, 1994
Bad Clean Fun
concert/play featuring Washboard Jungle
Here, 1994
The Opposite Sex
Serial based on Clare Boothe’s The Women and Mart Crowley’s Boys in the Band
Dixon Place, 1993
The Best of All Washable Worlds
Concert/play featuring Washboard Jungle
Downtown Art Co., 1992
by Heather Woodbury
Henry St. Settlement , 1992
concert/play featuring Washboard Jungle
Downtown Art Co., 1991
El Dorado
by Teresa Celsi
Serialized history of Hollywood in five weekly episodes
Bad Neighbors Ltd., 1991
Sedewick Downing Harbor
by Christopher Renstrom
Bad Neighbors Ltd., 1991
Bad Neighbors Return
A six-part serial drama by Deb Margolin, Madeleine Olnek, Georg Osterman and Heather Woodbury
Bad Neighbors Ltd/Dixon Place. 1990
The Monk
by Christopher Renstrom
Bad Neighbors Ltd., 1990
Swiss Army Theater
Serial performance from writings by G. Gordon Liddy, Baudelaire, Shirley MacLaine, Chekhov, Anita Bryant, Judy Carne, and others
ABC No Rio, 1989-1992
Try! Try!
by Frank O'Hara
ABC No Rio, 1989
Beauty and the Beast
by Michael Yawney
Dàk Theater, 1988
by Frank Wedekind (in six weekly installments)
Bad Neighbors Ltd. , 1988
Lives of the Saints
developed by the company
Bad Neighbors Ltd., 1987
Pink Vinyl/Blue Guitar
by Teresa Celsi, Bill Marsillii, and Michael Yawney
Bad Neighbors Ltd., 1986
Red and Shining
from the writings of John Webster
Bad Neighbors Ltd., 1986
Antonio and Mellida
by John Marston
Bad Neighbors Ltd., 1985